The TANZOS programme is restricted to five or six exceptional singers each year, selected by audition
Applications for 2025 are now closed and 2026 applications will be open in mid-2025
Auditions will take place in August 2025 and shortlisted applicants invited to join classes during the following few days.
When applications open, you can do so by using the button below and please see our guide to the audition process here.
This unique degree is offered by The University of Waikato - Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato with the paper code, MUSIC525 - MMus in Advanced Opera Studies.
Read through the following information before applying, and when you've set up your University of Waikato Profile, search for the 'MMus in Advanced Opera Studies'.
A BMusHons or academic equivalent is required along with a proven ability as a singer of promise with evidence provided at the time of application consisting of:
Curricula Vitae
Links to 2 or more video recordings of performances
Up to two references from a teacher or opera practitioner (these need to be sent directly to us at tepaekokako@waikato.ac.nz or your referees can complete the form here:)
Once you've applied, you'll be contacted about whether you have been accepted for audition and sent information about what will be required.
Auditions - 11-12 August, 2024
Our programme is supported by substantial scholarships in order to provide the level of training that we do, so we appoint a panel who conduct the auditions, and who make the final decisions.
We are looking for singers with exceptional promise who are at a stage where they are nearing the end of their university studies and who will benefit from the holistic nature of the programme to prepare them for the demands of a Young Artist programme or career in opera.
In 2024, we have a slightly different process, as we are inviting shortlisted applicants to join our TANZOS classes during the week following their audition, which will include a consultation with our primary vocal teacher, Nikki Li Hartliep, attended by the panel.
Auditions will be held on Sunday 11 and Monday 12 August, 2024, at the Gallagher Academy of Performing Arts, our home, in Hamilton at The University of Waikato.
Shortlisted applicants will be notified at the end of the day on 12 August and required to attend classes on 13-16 August. If attendance is not possible for all applicants on those dates, there may be a possibility for alternative arrangements, but this is not guaranteed, so we encourage all shortlisted applicants to attend.
What do I need to provide with my application?Recent video recordings in the form of a link, presenting a minimum of two contrasting arias. The recording must be a full single-capture of each aria without editing. The audio can be taken from a recording of a live staged performance (with permissions) or a studio recording. Please select contrasting pieces that show us the range and capability of your voice; you should sing pieces you have studied well and are within your capacity to sing well now. The arias may be in any language. Two confidential recommendations by industry professionals. The recommendations must be written specifically for the application. These should be emailed directly to tepaekokako@waikato.ac.nz by your referee or your referee can submit their reference by completing this form: https://forms.office.com/r/wZF1GdNhux A curriculum vitae
What are the guidelines for referees?All applications must include two recommendations written by industry professionals, and preferably not the applicant’s regular singing teacher. These should be a frank assessment of the candidate’s abilities, including any areas requiring refinement. They should not exceed 300 words. Referees can either send in their reference to tepaekokako@waikato.ac.nz or complete the form here.
Can TANZOS assist with travel costs for auditions?The Programme does not provide any financial assistance towards attending the auditions and does not refund travel or accommodation expenses for attending the audition week. We are however open to conversations about financial support for shortlisted candidates to attend in exceptional circumstances. Please do not let that be a barrier to applying in the first instance.
Is it possible to complete the course before the scheduled finishing date?Yes, in exceptional circumstances and only if you have been offered an international placement at a conservatoire, course or company. But you will have to complete the assessments within the time and meet the minimum attendance requirements.